Sunday, 23 June 2013

A beautiful new blog...

So I've decided to keep a blog....

The reasons behind this are very simple;
  1. I am expecting a baby which in itself is a good reason to blog but...
  2. I DO NOT want to become one of those people whose every Facebook post and every tweet is a pregnancy pondering, a musing of motherhood or worst of all a daily update on potty training.
  3. At 18 weeks I have already started to ask weird and wonderful questions of my (un)lucky husband, friends and family, particularly my brother and sister-in-law who have the great (mis)fortune of being Doctors - and relatively new parents themselves... Great! I treat them as human wikipedias. Perhaps this blog will give them some respite? Or not. Please feel free to ask questions that I can ask them, for both your answers and my amusement!
  4. Fourth and finally.... I don't know if I am normal (I fear that I am may find that I am not) but hopefully this blog will offer some reassurance that I am... Or that there are other mad mothers to be out there as well.....

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